Monday, October 09, 2006

Blogger Beta: Check!

Very exciting. I know you can't see anything different, but the email comments are wunderbar--I got one comment already and it tells you which post the comment is on! (Instead of scrolling around to figure out which post someone commented "that's so funny!) (Which is a perfectly accceptable comment, btw.)

I am very excited (not exited) and stay tuned.

Meanwhile, here are a few bloggers I know that are using beta:

Emerging Sideways (bobbie)
Weirdbunny (weirdbunny)

I get to put labels--this is too exciting!!

Oh, and Babs said those magic five words today: "I have my own skates!"


MsCellania said...

I'm diggin' beta. The category split is devine.

Katy said...

ooo... so I should try it out? How did you make the switch?

Sarah Louise said...

Well, first you have to have been given the option to switch (it's that viral marketing thing where a choice few get it first and then say how wonderful it is for the rest) But if you have that, take the tour and then go to it. It will take a while for your files to transfer over, so do the first step and then go get groceries or something. Later you can come back and fiddle around.

weirdbunny said...

Hello there fellow beta blogger, weirdbunny here. I'm trying to put my side bar into catergories of blogs I like, sewing list of blogs, craaft then list of blogs etc... Do you know how to do this on blogger I've tried but failed miserebly!!!!

weirdbunny said...

Hello there fellow beta blogger, weirdbunny here. I'm trying to put my side bar into catergories of blogs I like, sewing list of blogs, craaft then list of blogs etc... Do you know how to do this on blogger I've tried but failed miserebly!!!!