Thursday, January 05, 2006


I think I officially have a cold. So wash your hands after you read this. I am making oatmeal before my walk. I just got these fancy "behind the ears" headphones at Circuit City and man are they uncomfortable! I may just go get some cheap-os from the dollar store (that's $1).

Maybe the reason I felt crappy last night was because I was getting the cold? Gee, Sherlock, that makes sense.

  • I think Joke does not exist. Rather, he is a fictional person. I mean, who could really be so benovelant, live in Florida and know so much about London?
  • I adore Poppy...she now recommends using spellcheck at the end of each session and the suggested spelling for blogging was flogging, and then in the comments....oh go there, it's too funny to transcribe.
  • I have a cold. least I don't have to work until 1pm today. I may just eat my oatmeal, take my walk, and then go back to bed. Oh that sounds nice. I could even come home early, I have all that vacation time to spend this month...or, my sick time has been renewed, now that it is the new year.

Yes, that was a sneeze. Wipe off your computers. And go wash your hands. I'm going to eat oatmeal. And yes, I must take my walk--although these headphones have GOT TO GO. (back to Circuit City).

Why can't I stop?

Must. eat. oatmeal. (and that's in the other room, so I bid you adieu.)



Joke said...

I don't exist. In fact, I wish I were me.


P.S. Feel better!!!

Sarah Louise said...

I have decided to take the day off, since I can. I probably have to go in tomorrow, but today I can sleep, which I did, and will continue to do.

I guess I'm just too "me" even though I am SL--you seem like this sainted gentleman. Glad to know you don't exist. Want to play some canasta?

Joke said...

OK, we can play canasta but you'll have to teach me and we have to play for money. Since I don't exist, if I lose you can't collect!


-J., "I prefer 'evil genius'!"