Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The contents of a handbag, like good whisky in a charred oak barrel, ripen and improve with age.

(Peg Bracken, writer of the I hate to cook book and this great book)

Coretta Scott King died.

Here's a new trend: Who knew that the Steelers winning the AFC championship would cause a bump in the use of the post office? It appears that people are mailing their relatives Steelers stuff. When I went to my post office 152wouldn't you like to know, I overheard a customer telling one of the clerks that at the Squirrel Hill P.O. there were 100 people in line, the line snaking outside the building onto the sidewalk. I think the P.O. should create a Steelers stamp. Now THAT would up their revenue, big time.

Off to talk about Luke (the Gospel of)....



Major Bedhead said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog. I've seen your pink sneakers around the blogosphere but hadn't clicked on you until now. Now you're added to my ever-expanding list of blogs to read. I'm going to have to stop working soon, just to keep up with my reading and the blogs. Not that I'd mind that....

Joke said...

Is there a career in Professional Blog Reading?

'cause I could totally do that.


Sarah Louise said...

Oh yeah. I mean, I guess if you ad ads to your blog, that would generate some pocket money...but somehow I can't bring myself to do it...

Sarah Louise said...

my vw was ceakrs: seekers!

Shazam it's a word.

off to dinner, the blood sugar is getting low...