Monday, November 07, 2005

Sarah Louise goes off her rocker on politics...

...from You've Got Mail

FRANK: I could never ever be with anyone who doesn't take politics as seriously as I do.

The person in front of them turns around.

FRANK: A hot dog is singing. You need quiet while a hot dog is singing?

The two of them sit there.

KATHLEEN: I have something to tell you. I didn't vote.
FRANK: What?
KATHLEEN: In the last mayoral election, when Rudy Giuliani was running against Ruth Messinger, I went to get a manicure and forgot to vote.
FRANK: Since when do you get manicures?
KATHLEEN: Oh, I suppose you could never be with a woman who gets manicures.
FRANK: Forget it. It's okay. I forgive you.
KATHLEEN: You forgive me.

Hold on them a beat. Kathleen stands and walks out of the theatre.

Kathleen on the down escalator. Frank scrambling to catch up with her.

FRANK: What's going on?
Kathleen's upset.
FRANK (cont'd): Hey. What is it?

from You've Got mail screenplay.

This is how I feel. Upset. I have no idea who to vote for. I have not researched the candidates, and I feel horrible. But I will go vote, because I believe I should (even if I vote for the wrong person, I am exerting my right to do so.)

My grandparents instilled in my mother the thought that you don't ever have to tell people who you voted for. It's a free country, and that's one of the freedoms we're afforded. That said, I will tell you I voted for Clinton, twice. Once because I believed in him, and the second time because I didn't like Dole. I voted for W. twice, once because I believed in him, and the second time because I didn't like Kerry. I consider what we have in this country sort of kings--because voter turn out is so low, they are elected by the aristocrats and the people that care--so it's not like it's really democracy (everyone exercises their right not to vote). I am glad Bush, not Gore, was there for 9/11. Okay, now everyone who reads my blog is going to know how absolutely out of my mind I am: I look at photographs. When Gore and Bush were running opposite, Bush smiled more. Gore was very often angry. And I've been there when you shake the president's hand (Bush Sr, Jimmy Carter, Lech Walesa) and you have to smile--my question was, "Is this a person I want to represent my country to the Queen of England, or to the Dalai Lama?" Would I want to shake this person's hand? Does this person know how to be gracious? Voting on manners, yes, I have gone off my rocker. But manners are important! I just think that at the time, he was the better choice. And that is all I'm going to say. I can't wait for the comments on this post! It's time to post my favorite Bush photo, one I discovered when I was bored to tears doing desk time during my internship during library school.

Okay, it's experiencing technical difficulties... Anyways, it's a picture of Bush at a school library and there's a girl next to him, yawning. You can find it if you search the AP Photo Archive through your public libary's online resources. Maybe I'll try to scan my hard copy tomorrow. Oh, the copyright goons are going to come after me, aren't they? And me, a librarian!

1 comment:

Joke said...

Uh oh. Now you've done it. :-)

-J., idiot who would have voted for Goldwater