Saturday, May 19, 2007

Blogiversary--I'm TWO!

I go by "the Saturday after In-Service Day," not by the actual date. It's easier to remember.

And I've got bloggers block. (And insomnia--I've been up since 3ish.) Ah well. Go read the one with all the links to all the books I've read recently.

Crunch all you want, we'll make more--I promise. As soon as I lick this cold. More riting about booocs n'at.

Happy Trails (until we meet again). It's been lovely sharing this cyberspace with yins.

Here's a link to my first blogiversary. I posted a landmark post on comments later that day. It's been downhill since then, I'm afraid. I'll try to pick up the pace.

Hogs and quiches to you all. (Virtual ones, mind you, I still have vestiges of this cold/flu thing-y.)




Badger said...

Happy Bloggiversary!

Paula said...

I'll second that!

KitchenKiki said...

oh belated happy day!