Tuesday, August 15, 2006

There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly.

(Buckminster Fuller)

Happy Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to all my Catholic readers!

Was just over at BTS, which is my first bloggy stop, every day of the week, and re-read Gina's "It's Raining Men" post. Comments were wonky last night, so I couldn't comment, but overnight, I seem to have become Chatty Cathy again in the Comments department. Here's a snippet of what I wrote:

Going through a similar sort of metamorphosis--it's kind of like coming out of the cocoon and discovering you're a monarch and you have to figure out what Mexico is and how the heck to get there.

It occurred to me, as I was writing this, that the book, the Hungry Caterpillar, spends so little time on the fact that he ends up a butterfly. Which is fine--I am not criticizing this CLASSIC, only going, huh! The sequel, then, perhaps, if the butterfly is a monarch (which I don't think s/he is, but play along here, with me) is Gotta Go! Gotta Go! which, funnily enough, is not a potty training book but a book about a monarch who discovers she has to go to Mexico. It is the cutest little book ever. From the book: "I don't know much, but I know what I know. I gotta go! I gotta go! I gotta go to Mexico!"

I saw a monarch yesterday. I watched it on a butterfly bush outside the Shaler library. Oh I have such an affinity for them. Other butterflies are okay, understand, but I adore monarchs.

beep** your time is up **beep

Stay tuned...

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