Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm under protest...I won't leave this chair til the temperature hits 10 degrees Fahrenheit!

Well, I might be waiting...and I haven't started on the three bills that need to be paid today.

It was 8 when I woke up at 7:42 am. So it was 8 for the 8 o'clock hour. I just called again and it has finally hit 9--and it's 9 o'clock. Looky that.

I can't believe I'm (back) in the denial stage. Oh crap, did I just write that sentence?

Well, if anything's going to get me moving this morning, it might be that it is a hair-washing day, so I'd better start the water. Good thing it's a balmy 52 degrees in my garret.

Good thing I like winter...

Enough with the procrastination...

[the water is now running. Guess I'll write a few checks...bye!]


Amy A. said...

52? We keep our house at 62 and I thought that was cold!

Amy A. said...

I really hate it when the title goes over top of my comment, so I'm writing another one.

.... what to say...

I got nothing.

KitchenKiki said...

you are on the 3rd flr how can it be only 52? doesn't heat rise?

My house is at 58 during the day & that is too cold to get anything done. (Except huddle under blankets & read)

Sarah Louise said...

um, I set the therm at 68. But all my walls are outer walls (being that I am the top floor.) And those walls are not well insulated. And heat *would* rise if there was heat TO rise...the piano player on the first floor doesn't heat his apt much and the 2nd floor is vacant until March. So...I got a cold garret. BUT, EE Sally's husband came today to put plastic on my windows, I'm hoping that will help an itty bitty bit.