Thursday, February 22, 2007

I get knocked down...

Hmm. Happy Lent. A friend emailed me and said she might consider not blogging for Lent. I have to say the idea intrigues me...I counter-suggested setting up a team blog, but I think that would be too much work.

The OD sent out their "We're not having Ash Wednesday services but here's who is" ON Ash Wednesday. Oh well. When I'm in charge, I'm sure it won't be perfect or on time either (have you met me??)

This is one of my favorite verses and you get a bonus devotional too.

The cold has moved to my chest, oh joy.

The weather here is thunder and snow and now, nothing.

My papa is going to Chicago tomorrow evening to be amongst Presbyterians who care about Colombia, or something like that. He's pretty sure he'll be the only Conservative there. (Most folks will probably be liberal and into liberation theology.) (But I'm not trying to start a fight, here. After all, God isn't a Democrat or a Republican.) Meanwhile, the Columbian Presbyterians (according to my friend Glory) are like, "Is anyone in America preaching the Word?"

I asked my dad if he'd get an extra packet for Glory if there was such a thing. We got to talking about our favorite book, Gilead. Which I didn't know until yesterday that my MOM had also read. My mother, who reads less than my dad. Sis was like, "I think it's the one book she read last year. I think she was the first one to recommend it to me." Sis hasn't read it yet, she's working on something else... But it's very cool to be able to talk about Gilead with my dad--he's been sharing some things that he might not have otherwise shared with me (which is actually what the book is...)

Anyways, I have to go steam myself and then write an article for the Belle on the Women's Gathering. I don't know what I'll do about writing for Lent or not.

I'll also be attempting a few hours at work, y'know, ye olde Library. I did Mother Goose to the tune of 48 folks (34 in session #1, 14 in sesssion #2) with a throat lozenge in my mouth the whole time.

Not blogging for Lent? Who am I kidding? Anyways, have a great day, all.


alyssa said...

Sometimes we're just not very "on the ball" with thinking ahead about emails like that :) At least it got out! Most people check their email daily, so I wasn't too worried about it.

Sarah Louise said...

Lyssa, you do a great job. And I check my email at least 3x daily. I wouldn't have gone anyways b/c of this cold.


alyssa said...

I was at home with a sick kid, so I understand completely! :)

KitchenKiki said...

SL, I think you are addicted to email! Of course, I'm on the computer enough that I probably don't often go more than 12 hours with out checking it. Maybe instead of giving up blogging for Lent, you should reduce the number of times you check your email. And not check it all one day a week. It could be freeing, or it could just be annoying.

For the chest cold, if you are phlegmy try mucinex and drink gallons of water.

Feel Better!

Amy said...

Not blogging for Lent?! Are you crazy!! Don't do that to US!!!

Sarah Louise said...


I think there's a fine line between addiction and being connected. And I am very aware that I walk that fine line. However, at the moment, email is one of my main ways of staying in touch with those I love. I appreciate your thoughts...


KitchenKiki said...

Ok, I'm sorry, I can understand that. As I said, I can't really talk. I went about 8 hours away from the computer/email today, but when I'm on the email dings. I just don't think of it as checking my email 3x a day. I don't watch tv & my house is very cold, so I spend hours at a time in the office, with a space heater on, at the computer.

I used to be addicted to email, I even had a blackberry for work and would check it constantly. I have made an effort to not be as glued to it as I was in the past, but I still check at least once or twice a day.