Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Memo to me: What's Show and Tell this week?

Ooops! Sarah Louise had a bad hair day yesterday. (It was not pretty) In the midst of all the teasing and hairspray, I forgot to post a show and tell topic!!

So, multiple choice, since you have no real lead time.

a) a very useful thing -- in or outside of your house
b) a very un-useful thing -- in or outside of your house
c) free for all -- I mean, I gave you no lead time!

Rules of engagement: post "I'm up" after I post mine tomorrow morning. I'll visit them by the weekend, and we'll all have fun!

Oh, and it snowed today. Not so as you could tell now, but my car sort of looked like this (well, okay, not really, this is an old picture from December (I think).

1 comment:

celestial opus said...

oh my gosh, I should have read further down. You really ARE doing Show and Tell. I may just get a blog crush on you!