Saturday, December 03, 2005

Musings of a cataloguer

Ach, the OCLC, how I love thee! Triple I (our local system) how you defy me! I have spent the morning bringing in such wonderful titles as Hard Times (yes, Dickens), Silas Marner (Eliot), and yet, the system won't let me bring in Mansfield Park!!! Why oh why do you defy me?

Found an interesting book (well, more than one, truth be told) on someone else's cart: Wicca's Charm. I probably will read it because it's a subject my mom asks me about (b/c I know about Harry P., she wants to know what Wicca folk think re: them.) It's a book written by a Christian woman about what else, Wicca's charms. Looks interesting.

Dean Koontz: Life Expectancy. I've never read a DK book yet, but my friends have and this one needed to be fixed somehow, which I did, and then I peeked into the first few pages (it sucked me in!!) May have to take it to Wendy's for lunch...

Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett--if it was on cassette (it's on CD) I might take it out--my car has only a cassette player. Also recommended by friends.

Book I cannot put down because it is so stupid: Paris Hilton's diary or somesuch. I will not dignify myself to go to where it sits to find out the actual title. Don't bother...

Alright, it's 1:30, so I'm off to lunch--Wendy's for a quick munch.

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