Thursday, December 08, 2005

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Now, I hate driving in it but otherwise, I am a snow lover. My car guru says I don't need winter tires--after skidding around Pittsburgh on the way home tonight, I disagree. He says I need to slow down--I was driving under 15 mph in an inch or more of snow and I feared for my life!! It seems to have stopped, but they say it's supposed to start again at midnight. Anyways, very glad I left work early, and now, to bed (or sofa, as the case may be.) (This room is just warmer!!) BB gave me virtual flannel sheets for Christmas--maybe I need to scour to see if I can score some actual ones.

Finished watching Elf--what a great movie!! It truly got me back in the Christmas spirit!!

Yawn...goodnight. Oh, and I'll fix the picture in "The Girl who Lived" tomorrow. Must sleep...


blackbird said...

btw, Target has pretty good flannel sheets...mine are Woolrich.

Joke said...

Snow? You people are mad, mad I tell you.
