Thursday, December 29, 2005

Happy New Year minus a few days!!

I'm very excited about the changing of the calendars--I have a page-a-day that is of "Fabulous Broads" for the desk (and it has an online feature!) and my wall calendar is of books!! I get one every year from the American Bible Society--2005 was calligraphied verses, which I loved, but I think this year will be nice too.

Off to the P.O.--I need stamps and stuff. Apparently stuff is dirt cheap at Target and Old Navy...and I don't have to be at work until 4!!



blackbird said...

Please stop by my place on your way to the PO -
I have four big parcels to ship.

Thanks for reminding me to get out my new datebook!

Sarah Louise said...

Well, there was nothing I really wanted at ON, I'll hit Target on my dinner hour. Darn rush hour traffic, I was 15 min late! I'm the only one in the office and finding it hard to concentrate...on cataloguing. ho hum.