Thursday, April 06, 2006

and when I was in Warsaw in the winter, it got dark at 4 pm!!

okay, so EVERYONE's doing it--railing about DST, so I thought I'd join the fray.

I'm sorry, your time is up...

Yes, I had to (insert expletive) move my car b/c it's street cleaning day. Except, how will they clean my street since there is construction at one end and a "Road closed" sign at the other? Yes, I love living in Western Pennsylvania, where it's always construction season...

I have 4 minutes to eat something before my phone date with my dad to do taxes...

over and out...



Joke said...

[insert some comment of enablement here]

-J., Mr. Supportive

Sarah Louise said...

Finished the taxes...time to do the Snoopy dance! (Although I have to wait for the IRS to "approve" them since I e-filed.

And I am getting NO WORK DONE!

Joke said...

Now imagine being married to someone who does them to the tune of 65+ hour weeks from Jan. - Apr.
