Saturday, April 29, 2006

10 Simple pleasures

I think I got this one from Kim and Bec...

  1. Singing along to Green Day on the radio, with the windows rolled down on a sunny day
  2. Having people compliment me on my dress (pink with flowers, thank you!)
  3. Eating dinner and reading Eat Cake on the porch of my favorite bistro.
  4. Browsing in a bookstore for a graduation gift, getting home and realizing I'd rather just make a cute card and making it. (So the gift is one book instead of two.)
  5. Work that takes my mind off everything but my musical selection (Billy Joel's Glass Houses, Indigo Girls' Become You.)
  6. My employee discount at the Book Nook upstairs: a can of Coke for 43 cents, baby!
  7. Knowing an alternate route to work and avoiding MILES AND MILES of backed up traffic.
  8. Prayer. Anne Lamott says her two main prayers are Help me, help me and Thank you, Thank you. I'm there, baby!!
  9. Knowing (yes, this is a crazy one) that I can come back to work tomorrow and finish this damn project if it comes to that, and the satisfaction when I'm DONE!
  10. Imagining the Mediterranean Nachos at the Sharp Edge for the graduation party after work at the Sharp Edge.

Okay, back to the project...which involves moving catalog records onto other catalog records...

Oh, and here's a thought, Deb style: Hug your friends. It is so easy to forget to do that. And so hard when you only communicate by phone or email. We need to remember that each one of us is flesh and blood.


the one with clay feet

1 comment:

lazy cow said...

I *love* singing to great songs with the window down in the car. Only when I'm alone though.