Sunday, October 02, 2005

It's official--the OD at UP!

I love the fact that the initials for my church are also the initials for Over Dose...(and we're right across the street from a drug store) I guess I have a weird sense of humor. UP stands for Union Project, the building we are renting worship space from. It was like having a birthday, anniversary, reunion, and therapy all wrapped in one. We did a lot of praying, singing, shaking hands, hugging, and I did a lot of "I can't great it looks, that we're here, that this is happening..."

The sermon was all about light, and so we got glow sticks. Our waitress at Sharp Edge said to BJ, did you guys just come from a rave? No, we just came from church. The most fun at church was watching some of the guys go crazy with the kids, having "laser sword" fights and just messing around. Guys that are crazy about kids are so attractive to me. (Which would make sense, since women and children make up most of my life...) (I couldn't be with someone who didn't think kids and kids books etc weren't cool.)

Watched You've Got Mail for my afternoon nap, and there's the scene where Meg Ryan says, "well, there's the boat thing..." and Tom Hanks says, "What boat thing?" And she replies, "I could never be with someone who had a boat." He at this point knows she is his online buddy but she doesn't find out til the end so he messes with her and says, "I could never be with someone who liked Joni Mitchell: it's clouds illusions I recall, I really never understood clouds at all--is she trying to be a pilot?"

5 things I did this weekend:
  • Installed DSL--woo hoo!
  • got a thing-a-ma-bob that allows me to hear CDs in my car (it uses the 88 or 89 frequency and attaches in and the sound comes out your speakers--I don't understand it but it's great!)
  • babysat for three lovely children (and made them dinner, something I rarely do for myself)
  • slept in front of PBS Friday night: did you know Alan Alda wrote a book?
  • took a bath--woo hoo!

Another friendship quote:

He drew a circle that shut me out--Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But Love and I had the wit to win: We drew a circle that took him in.

"Outwitted" by Edwin Markham

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