Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sleep--I should be sleeping now...

But instead, I'm reading y'alls blogsz. Took a walk over to HAWAII to SneakyPeek, who wrote about locking her husband (by mistake) out of the house at 1 a.m.

Which totally reminded me of a time when I was in second grade and the babysitter fell asleep, sleptwalked, and so was locked out of the apartment. In my mind's eye I can still see my parents knocking on my window to wake me up to let everyone in. (Not sure why they didn't have keys...)

Okay, I think I'll take defeat and try to wind down. I finally finished In Her Shoes, third time! And I don't really have something else lined up...ack! Maybe I'll re-read Little Earthquakes.

Read Jen Weiner much?



Katrina said...

I wish you would bring some of your bloggy energy over to my blog and write my post for today. I can't think of a thing to write about! I mean, when a blog devolves into SPAM poetry, the blogger is clearly scraping the bottom of the barrel, right? :)

I should read "In Her Shoes", since you like it so much. I've only seen the movie, but I watched it with my sister, which made it even better than it probably would have been alone.

nutmeg said...

Ha Ha. I was a sleep walker - up until my mid teens actually. My favourite was trying to climb my dressing table thinking it was Mt Everest!

Sarah Louise said...

K: I liked the movie, but the book is better. I bet watching it with my sister would add a whole other dimension.

N: My brother is/was?? a great sleepwalker. My sister has great stories to tell (in his grand years of sleepwalking, I was already out of the house.)

I'm not sure I have two stories mixed up, though. I'll have to check my facts...

Sarah Louise said...

Oh, and about the bloggy energy--it's because otherwise my brain will explode from everything that has to happen before Friday.

I'd rather still have a brain on Sunday when my parents arrive...

KitchenKiki said...

I almost locked my self out of my house in the middle of the night, in my jammies shortly after I moved in. I was dead asleep & fire trucks went screaming by, so I got up thinking I had to go to the theatre (I was first on the call list when the alarms went off, as they often did in the middle of the night). I woke up, ran down stairs and almost closed the door behind me (automatically locks).

My husband did do that once shortly after he moved in. He went out for a cigarette around 1:00 am and the wind caught the door & shut it. He had to wait for someone to leave the bar across the street so he could ask to borrow a cell phone to call. I didn't know the number when it came up on caller ID so i didn't answer until he tried a couple times...

He has now given up smoking.

Sarah Louise said...

Kiki--heee! I guess that would be a motivation to quit smoking--not getting locked out...

bobbie said...

the book thief - have you read it???

oh do s/l - you will love it - i thought of you when i finished it (i actually bawled like a baby and hugged and kissed the book)

Sarah Louise said...


that book has been on my list, I think. I'll have to check it out. hee! (sorry, a little librarian humor there...)