Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Yesterday...love was such an easy game to play...

It was like a dream: a book that I'm on the wait list for (with at least 300 other people) was there, on the shelf, at the Squirrel Hill library in their Bestsellers. I squealed, and went off to lunch at Gullifties. (Yes, I'm eating out less, but Monday lunch is a non-negotiable.)

Emily Giffin hit the scene a few years ago with Something Borrowed and Something Blue. LOVE those books. Couldn't read Baby Proof, I draw the line at reading too many books about people wanting babies. (Since I'm clearly so ambivalent...not.) Anyways, I was excited about her latest, Love the one you're with. I spent the afternoon and evening reading it. Ah, to be caught up in a book.

Even if it wasn't the best book (I still maintain that her first two are her best, and I own them in paperback), it was a great way to spend hours. Ellen is a girl who discovers photography, loves NYC, and marries into old Southern aristocracy. It's about meeting the guy who was not so great for her a year after she married her husband. For all of us who dated (at least) one of those intense types, it's a good read.

I probably would have been less hard on her as a writer if she hadn't chosen Pittsburgh as the hometown for her heroine. Her references to da Burgh seemed stiff, like she'd only read a wikipedia article or something. (Her facts were right, but...no soul.) Go back to your roots, Em!

Geez, I'm 15 minutes late for a date with myself for a walk...oh, and I didn't do the TCK call either, I napped yesterday afternoon. Yep, I'm into the beginning of SUMMER, my least favorite season. I'll try to be positive here, but no guarantees. I still have clean underwear though.


Katrina said...

I tried to pick up "Good In Bed" at the library this last trip, but it was checked out. I simply must figure out the online book reservation system my library uses. There's too much at stake...lol!

Sarah Louise said...


glad we solved that one!
