Sunday, July 29, 2007


(Or "Sarah Louise and Max go to the movies.")

Yes, I recommend The Simpsons movie. If you are already a Simpsons fan. Luckily, when I lived in Virginia, the Simpsons was a part of regular pre-dinner entertainment, and before that, I dated one rabid Simpsons fan, and I do have male friends. (Which is to say, if the show is on, I'll watch it, but it's not something I willingly turn on as entertainment.)

We could not stop laughing.

Fortunately, I'd read the Christianity Today review, so I knew I'd probably like it. Plus, the little trivia tidbits I'd picked up (that at the beginning of the show's run, Homer was supposed to be Krusty the Clown, sort of like Peter Parker and Spiderman, but MG nixed that idea) were helpful on the ride home.

Oh, and if you go, YOU MUST WATCH ALL THE CREDITS. If you know me, you know this is a point of contention in my nuclear family. And I didn't stay for the credits when I saw HP #5 b/c I didn't think I could explain my strange obsession to Laura and Marian (the Librarian). But I have this thing with watching the credits. It's like the postlude at church. I like to sit there after I've seen a movie. I never know who any of the people are, but it's fun imagining what a lip...something does. (They had one, in TSM's credits.) Anyways, there are comic shorts interspersed in the credits. You'll thank me for this one, you will.

Fortunately, as I had read the CT review, I knew this, so I didn't have to explain my obsession to Max. Phew! (Yes, it was our first movie.)


Friday night, whilst waiting for my buzzer thing to go off at ze Olive Garten, a guy came out to take a cell call. "No, I'm having dinner with Heather's mom and grandmother right now." (Where's Heather, I wondered.) "Yeah, I'd love to. No, she's not really into them." (Immediately I knew he was talking to his guy friend about going to see TSM.) They talked about going to play hockey and then vowed to talk later tonight about showtimes.


Helen said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. I saw it this afternoon. hmmmm. I think your review of it might be colored by your *company,* but I guess it was okay. It would help if I were a Simpson fan! As always, there is something for everyone in the Simpsons. I always get a kick out of Lisa. So this thing with Mr.ff is moving right along, is it? (Spoken by a grandmotherly type here.)

Kate said...

i'm glad to hear such positive things about the movie! i've been holding my breath!

Sarah Louise said...

Helen, grandmother away. Mine are both dead, and I miss them very much. Yeah, things with Mr. FF are continuing--with courage and fear and trembling.

Kate, yes, the movie is wonderful.


Eileen said...

hehe... I'm just remembering the strategically mis-placed hedge... it was a good movie! :o) Oh and I didn't get your message until after OD, so sorry if it seemed like I was blowing you off! Chris and I were still away on our weekend, we actually drove straight to church from leaving Erie area! I hope you're having a good day! Leeny

nutmeg said...

I am a lapsed Simpsons watcher but you've definitely made me want to see it. Mr J is a fan - could be a good thing to do one Saturday night!

And those massage chairs (at the pedcure places) are the main reason I go ;-)

Iamthebookworm said...

I'm glad to hear that you liked The Simpsons Movie. My nephew wants to see it, so I'll probably take him. I am in the mood to laugh.