Tuesday, May 16, 2006

More new stuff on the right!

My template and I are fair weather friends. Like right now, all the stuff (my profile, my links, etc.) are at the bottom of the blog for no explainable reason. I think it has something to do with amount of posts per page and length of post, etc. Someday I'll get the book Babs keeps recommending me and I'll go under the hood with my template. Right around the year 2010, when Babs gets a full night of sleep. (Maybe sooner, for both of us--we can only hope!)

So anyways, all that to say, I don't mess with my template daily. So I have a file on my desktop of links I want to add and when I get a list or I find a blog I absolutely have to add to my blogroll right this instant, I add them all.

What blogs are you adding today, SL?

Funny you should ask, dear reader! The blog I discovered today brings my geek meter up, waaayy up! If you use the DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification) you may squeal with glee. But it's my blog, so I'm adding it. This is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time (I live a quiet life.) If 398.2 doesn't look like a very exact cooking temperature, or seeing 974.71 makes you want to "start spreading the news..." this might be the blog for you. So, I present for your enjoyment, 025.431 The Dewey Blog.

I'm also adding Vickee's World. Vickee blogs from the Rockies and is very sweet. She's like me in that we have the same comment style (a little story of our own about the post that's up), so I feel I've found a kindred spirit. She won my heart when she praised my post on dream jobs, which I linked up. She loved my links...bless her! I recommend her blog. She's a fun one.

Jeanne is another new add-ee. She's a knitter and a librarian. She posts pictures of knitting (yes, really!) and art (very cool) and has a regular feature that I still don't understand called "Swing Jacket Monday." Her blog is called A Bluestocking Knits and I think it is very cool.

Another newcomer to Pink Sneakers N'at is I heart Pittsburgh, which is, you guessed it, all about our fair city. It was the first link that came up on Google when I searched for Hope College coffee Beleza. (A new coffee shop on the No. Side run by some kids my bro Terzo went to school with!) (More on that, later on!)

That's all for today...now I must go under the hood with my template. Wish me luck!

*398.2 is the number for folk and fairy tales. 974.71 is the number for history of New York City.


Paula said...

While I'm not a librarian, I do love the Dewy Decimal, I alphabetize my spices too. I know, it's a sickness.

Sarah Louise said...

Nah. It's just being logical. I mean, having things where you can find them means you can find them!

pj, yours will be one of the next I add--I love your blog!


Joke said...

Your sidebars scoot down when you have a too-big picture.


MsCellania said...

Gosh, you've got me dewey-eyed here. I'm flattered, and impressed with your computer-ease, as I have zip zingo zilch. Blogroll sounds like a Hoagie, to me. (or are they submarines, or whatever, there?)

Sarah Louise said...


there are no big pictures right now. Thanks for playing.