Wednesday, January 03, 2007

It's either this or the walk. You win.

I haven't ranted for a while and I don't suppose I'm going to start, but I'd love to.

Things that bug me: the computer thinks it knows what my word verif is. (Does this happen to anyone else? You type a z and the computer comes up with 30 other choices???)

Hello, where did winter go? (I have mixed feelings in this department--I'm glad to not been sliding on ice, but I do like in "please have snow, and mistletoe...")

Today is my sister's 25th Birthday!! WOO HOO! Happy Birthday, babe! (that was not a rant, in case you thought I was being sarcastic. I adore my sister, who comes the rant--In MIAMI)

My therapist cancelled on me. First off, she called my home phone (she never does this) and then my answering machine is not very conspicuous--the blinking lights are TINY--so I didn't know she called at 10:30 am until 9:30 pm. (I was at home or on a walk at 10:30 am) I've been thinking about changing therapists, for a ton of reasons that I won't--RANT--get into here...

I don't have my page a day calendar up either at home or on the computer (the only reason I get actual page-a-day the brand, from Workman, is so that I can get book recommendations in my email--cause you get an online calendar free with every paper one you buy.)

I don't have my year end post up--I may edit that today though...

Oh, look at the time. I better get going to the chiropractor...RANT!!!!

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