Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Fun with blogs...or how Sarah Louise spent her morning until the sun came up...

Okay, so it's clear this love is here to stay (blog love, that is.) Since I fell asleep at who knows what time and woke up at midnight, went back to bed, woke up at six a.m. when it was 15 degrees Fahrenheit outside, I came over here to the computer for some quality blog time because taking a walk in the dark when it's 15 degrees isn't really my idea of fun. And hey, it's now 8:45 and I don't have to be at the chiropractor!! I think writing this post means the walk loses out, but I promise, I'll take one tomorrow.

So a few fun things...

(Thanks Adrian!)

And something I've been mulling taglines. A few I've had on my blog:

If the shoe fits...
and the Golden Globe for best John Cusack movie goes to...
rum a pum pum (for Christmas)

A few I remember from of olde:

Oh look, a blog! (Pea Soup)

Current ones:

Sometimes Evil drives a minivan. And sometimes Evil is too drunk to drive (Badger)

I also love her profile: Hi! I'm Badger! I enjoy long walks on the beach at sunset, cozy evenings in front of the fire, puppies, and exacting bloody revenge on my enemies. But not you! I like YOU.

I'm always glad that she likes ME--gives me a warm fuzzy Mr. Roger's type feeling. (Badg, that's a compliment, coming from me.)

Dolya is the Slavic goddess of fate; she was said to live behind the family stove. When she was in a fine mood, she was called Dolya, the little old lady who brought good luck; when annoyed, she was Nedolya, the shabbily dressed old hag of bad fortune. (Guess who?)

Hey, I could make this a guessing game, like guess whose blog, but...I won't.

(That was Babelbabe and Gina, btw)

My husband is tired of hearing me rant about nothing all the time. If it doesn't come out, my head might explode. (Carolyn)

This is not my beautiful house.... (Days Go By) THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE ONES!! (It's a Talking Heads reference, from one of my fave TH songs.)

Life is sweet... (Mixed with Sugar)

We’ll have a nice chat. (Meet me on my vast verandah)

Why stand when you can sit? Why sit when you can lie down? Especially with a good book in one hand and a drink in the other. (Only books all the time)

One rung up the ladder from useless and boring, four down from hysterically entertaining, this blog is a feeble attempt to perfect mediocrity. (Eliza Jane)

musing life's mysterys (BJ)

We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won't need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don't fire cannons to call attention to their shining - they just shine. (bobbie)

thoughts::twice baked (Biscotti Brain)

2 years, or so... Writing on this page for more than 2 years Living in Chicago for almost 2 years Finished with school for 2 years Residing in this apartment for less than 2 years. I am 12 times 2 years old. (Katy)

Life is tough, but hope is tougher. (LaMont)

2 American cowboys rustlin’ us up some culture (Nick and Lauren)

an experiment in writing (Urban Saddle)

A community for those whose blogging is decent and in order. (Presbyterian Bloggers)

may contain traces of nuts (Pea Soup)

And you might note that some I name the blog and some the blogger--I don't know the exact logic of that either. So there.

Well, time has passed, and the sun is up, and to work I must go. Ta!


Amy A. said...

Oh, man. I totally need a tagline. Any ideas?

Sarah Louise said...

A--my first thought in terms of Pretty Shiny (the words, themselves) is crows, and I don't think you want to go there, per se...

I'll noodle on it later...

weirdbunny said...

I love that simpsons on you tube !!!!!!!!

Iamthebookworm said...

I LOVE the taglines! People are so much more creative than me.

Sarah Louise said...

dear I am the B: I think "I am the B" is a pretty creative name...I try to not think of creativity as a competetive or competetive sport but as an art, which give us freedom...

Jess said...

SL - Wow! I'm flattered!

Amy A - Maybe copper pennies?

Sl, I KNOW I saw a post on weather earlier - I think you took it down - but I'm up!