Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Nobody sees a flower really; it is so small. We haven't time, and to see takes time--like to have a friend takes time.

(Georgia O'Keefe)

It's been a good coupla days in Sarah Louise Land. Sunday I visited a friend's church, Sunday the Steelers WON THE SUPERBOWL, yesterday I visited with Babelbabe a bit, emailed with Blackbird a bit, emailed with Erin a bit, and then babysat for Frank and Zach. I was too braindead to actually play with them, so I was the bump on the sofa that kept saying "25 minutes" "10 minutes" "2 minutes." I actually told them they had brushed their teeth enough already, and prayed with them, then shut the door to their endless conversation with each other. It is so lovely to see siblings that like each other. Then Sally came home, we chatted a bit. She, btw, looks FABULOUS as she has joined a group that deals with eating issues and has lost a lot of weight. Plus, she is like a changed woman. Before, sometimes being friends was like walking on eggshells (all friendships have *those* moments) but now she is so laidback and PLEASANT. Now I have spent 15 minutes that I could have been taking a walk in the Winter Wonderland that is Blitzburgh...but I'm gonna go walk anyways.

Oh, and on Sunday, I had a great talk with Bep, Dad, and a great friend who lives in Charleston, SC and reads every day! Hey there, Charleston! (Um, when I left the SB at half time, I left the crock pot at the Union Project, so I'll have to retrieve it on the way to Bible Study...)


blackbird said...


Right back at ya! with the goodness!

Erin said...

I love Georgia's work! Her flowers and barns are my favourite. Really not into the dead animal stuff though LOL!