Thursday, October 04, 2007

All [blogging] is a lake...

"Listen to me. All of writing is a huge lake. There are great rivers that feed the lake, like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. And there are mere trickles, like Jean Rhys. All that matters is feeding the lake. I don't matter. The lake matters. You must keep feeding the lake."

--Jean Rhys, in the Paris Review, from Madeleine L'Engle's book, Walking on Water.

I am again in awe of blackbird, and I remember that I can't stop blogging just because I think she is so brilliant. I have to keep blogging my own little trickle to the lake.

Happy Thursday, all. Today I'm going to get a couple hairs cut off in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Sputnik! (Well, not really, I only just found out it was the Sputnik's anniversary...)

Movie to watch to celebrate the Sputnik's flight: October Sky (from the book Rocket Boys)

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