Wednesday, November 16, 2005

That'll be a Rum and Coke, please!

Warning: this is one of those "journal-like" posts that has no literary value. It does have redeeming social value, though, since it's about me.

Blame it on Babelbabe, I went to the liquor store. Well, darn it, when you're living with pain and you haven't had a drink in ages, well, it was about time. Already had the Coke, no sense in wasting perfectly good (albeit flat) Coke.

The good news or the bad news? The good news: I bought a PDA! My biggest one time purchase in a long time--I spent over $300!!! And, I got a $30 gift card with purchase! I'm very excited about this--I've wanted one for some time but it just wasn't in the budget.

The bad news: I have a fractured tailbone. Basically all I can do is take pain meds (and since I'm allergic to ibuprofin and all its derivatives that means Tylenol). The doctor, who had to call me after hours, Do you take any other meds? Me: Oh, I'm diagnosed bipolar, so I take a slew. Okay then. So the doctor's going to call me tomorrow when she can look at the X-ray, look at my meds list, and then she can see if she can prescribe me anything. Ah, joy.

It's fun, this living life thing. Ah, but I have the bestest parents in the world: even before I broke my tailbone, they were thinking the "me driving down for Thanksgiving" plan was a stretch--I drive two hours and I need a nap--they live a little over four hours away. So my dad will come up on Wednesday and drive me to Virginia and my mom will drive me back on Monday. Wow.

Oh, and the doctor said it could be months sometimes for these things to heal. Oh joy. The funny thing is that I was on a "I feel good kick" after buying the PDA and going to the liquor store, I thought, hey, I bet it is just a bruise.

And I really was looking forward to spending two hours on my tailbone watching Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson (Harry Potter and Hermione) on Friday night. Oh well.

Things I must do tomorrow: buy cellophane for my windows so that my friend Suzanne's husband Ivan can seal my windows for winter.

The second biggest purchase of the day: A "donut" seat (like for hemeroids) which sort of helps but not really. Kneeling is much better than sitting, I've found.

The third (not so big) purchase of the day: The Breakfast Club on VHS and The Nanny Diaries in book format. Currently listening to the Nanny Diaries on cassette in the car. Total cost (including employee discount): $2.57!! I mean, that off sets the other expenditures of the day completly, don't you think?

Well, it's bed time and the rum is going to my head, so I'll sign off. I want lots of "get well soon" comments, please. I told my sister, "What a fabulous early birthday present." Tell her what she won! A fractured tailbone!

We truly are jars of clay. If you drop us, we fracture.

This could be all linked up and cute, but hey, I'd have to sit or kneel and I don't wanna!


Joke said...

Just be happy you don't have to wear a cast.


Joke said...

Oh, yeah...get better soon!


Sarah Louise said...

Thanks. I've started clearing the floor of my tv room (where I've been sleeping on the couch). No I have not considered an opium habit. Kneeling is the best advice you've given to date, so MANY MANY MANY thanks.

Erin said...

Oh, I'm so sorry!!! That can be terribly painful, and it can take ages to heal :(

Go easy on yourself for longer than you need to... really.

Praying for you right now...

Anonymous said...

Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson (Harry Potter and Hermione) --- seen on Sunday with my genious son (genious IS an honest statement as gleemed from his report card and teacher comments.. I think he is under-acheiving...those "A's" come to easy.)Movie was good. You have to ignore what you know happens in the book. The boy and I (boy = fun way to say "my son") agreed that the little shit of 4-5 years sitting behind us -- often commenting loudly about each scene -- should NOT have been in the theater with us.
All in all - it's nice to spend time with your offspring. Although I must admit it's very different than going out with my daughter who likes to shop and look like I do; even at the young age of FOUR. (VBG)
So - you can say " I have a PITA" and really mean it!


Monozygotic Perplexing and Wheezy Multiplying Analytical Wordy Zebras