Thursday, March 09, 2006

I only have eyes for you...

(the Flamingos)

Now, I was so going to cheat. But then yins got all "the eyes are the window to the soul" and I thought, well, if Joke is going to participate, (and he never does) (well, hardly ever) and Lazy Cow considers cheating using her kid's eyes (no fair!) I could get away with cheating, but it would lack...soul.

So what I was going to do was "Eye See, Eye Buy" and do a thing about how I went to Target yesterday and bought with my eyes. So of course, three boxes of pink Kleenex (to me, no other option exists, except the prescribed one box of anti-viral, in a pink box, though), red plastic cups, red plastic bowls, coral pink 100% cotton towels for $2 a piece, thank you very much...but if you really want to see into my soul, here goes...
Now, I'll have you know, I tried to crop the photo. But the flu has messed with my photo cropping skills and then when I did, the files were unreadable by my computer--maybe it's time to download Picassa--but later, after lunch. I may even be ready for such exotic foods as minestrone soup...if not, frozen lasagna will do the job.

So for those who are wondering, the crotch at the far left belongs to Renee Zellweger. See? (Oh how embarrassing)

It's a picture from Interview magazine from when she was in Jerry Maguire. I do not have a thing for her, I just like that picture.

That is all. I have spent an hour (an hour!) on this very simple S&T, so go visit Blackbird, our lovely sponsor.


blackbird said...


(eye bawt too dallar tawls ad tarjay yistadee two!)

Sarah Louise said...

wot keller were yers?

--erica said...

took me five minutes to decipher the comments.

yes. very cute indeed!

sueeeus said...

Cute comments, cute eyes, and you have great eyebrows too.

sueeeus said...

Oh, I was going to also say, be well. I hope you get well soon.

IzzyMom said...

"the crotch at the far left belongs to Renee Zellweger"


Thanks for dropping by my place and helping out a blog addict :-)

Joke said...

Were you wrapping a muffler around the lower part of your face?


Sarah Louise said...

No, a sweater. The S&T did not ask for nose or mouth! (and it better not start--my cropping skills need work, as we can see.)

Sarah Louise said...


thanks for the eyebrows comment--I don't think anyone has ever taken the time to mention them unless I just had them done. (um, five years ago on my birthday, can't you still tell?)


Erin said...

Oooh- Look at you :)

Yes... close crops are fun.

Joke said...

OK. I was too worried you might have a cold or something to notice your eyeballs, which go really well (aesthetically speaking) with your eyeglasses.


Sarah Louise said...

and you were worried you'd catch my cold (um, rather the flu?) via my blog?