Thursday, October 16, 2008

Taking a break...

I'm in panic mode. But you'd never know it, sitting here in my jeans, writing to you, with SATC in the background.

(It's called--Sarah Louise didn't eat breakfast until ten minutes ago and now she's using the rest of the episode to decompress.)

Decompress from the major stresses of life:

  • the debate last night gave me jitters.
  • I couldn't sleep and slept around 3 a.m.
  • I am going away this weekend (yes, that sounds stress free except that going away for me is never stress free. But I have my meds taken care of, and the next thing to tackle is my car--because I might be carpooling.)
  • I can't afford my Master's degree (the one I got so I could be a librarian a couple years ago) and will need to renegotiate my student loan, AGAIN.
  • My car insurance went up with the new car. I need to talk to my car insurance company about stuff.
  • I still have this cold or a bad case of allergies.
  • (Oh, and I was supposed to go to the allergist this morning which I didn't know until 11pm last night) (I called at 8am and rescheduled.)
  • Oh, and I don't know if I have the reading material for the retreat this weekend. It might (please let it be) in the car.
Okay, enough decompressing. Time to check the car (which, did I mention I'll have to clean up if indeed I am carpooling?)

Thanks for listening. I hope you have a chance to take a few moments too. What's your decompressing M.O.?

Oh, it's my favorite part of this episdode. Maybe I'll just watch the end.

(and I did.) Now, the car...

1 comment:

Erin said...

There is nothing fun about panic mode :(