Friday, October 14, 2005

Good Clean Fun

I have this CD I got at Tar-get called Good Clean Fun. It's music to clean to. I will be using it later when I try to backhoe my detritus into my walk-in closet. My meltdown has been delayed by talking to Donna, Emily, my therapist, blogging, my aunt, and my sister. But now it is time for lunch!!

I didn't find the lost parking ticket, but I found it on the web (just enter your liscence plate #!!). Still looking for the clearance that says I'm not a child molester. (Why would they mail important paperwork to me--my house devours papers like they are dove bars or ben and jerry's chubby hubby.)

My printer is giving me grief. Color prints great, but even with a new cartridge, black is really tempermental. And of course, the warranty is up and I violated it anyways, by buying re-manufactured cartridges...thank goodness my life doesn't depend on printed material. Paperless society--sounds like a good idea to my printer!!

Gotta go!

If you keep a green tree in your heart, perhaps the singing bird will come. --Chinese Proverb which is in the front of one of my favorite kid's bks, Taking Care of Terrific.

1 comment:

BabelBabe said...

mmmm...chubby fav B&J

uafkead...i like the word. how do you suppose they come up with these?