Friday, July 08, 2005

This electronic life

So, this morning, I finally got up for my walk, listened to "How to dismantle an atomic bomb" (U2's latest), came home, got online, and so far have ignored two im "buddies." I am reminded of a line from my favorite movie "You've got mail": "For me the Internet is just yet another way of being rejected by women." Except in the movie, he says "woman" and whenever I watch that scene, I want to correct him. I am feeling incredibly slothful today. I don't have to be at work until you might have guessed it (or not?) the ellipsis was me getting up, turning the TV on and switched the channel to 03, (after scanning the room for the remote--ah, on the sofa pillow)
"This is amazing, the entire workforce of the state of Virginia had to have solitaire removed from their computers because they haven't done any work in six you know what this is?'s the end of Western Civilization as we know it. You think that machine is your friend, but it's not."
(The opening lines to this fabulous movie, a movie that couldn't have existed without AOL, Meg Ryan, or Tom Hanks.)
"Don't you love New York in the fall? I would send you a bouquet of sharpened pencils if I knew where you lived..."
Twister used to be my favorite movie, but that was in the 90s. I think we should be allowed to have at least one favorite movie per decade...everyone oohed and ahhed about the special effects, but this is the plot line for me: a married couple side steps divorce while chasing tornadoes. Once I heard this, I went to see it. And because it was such a big movie, one for the big movie screen, I kept going to see it. I must have seen it over ten times in the theatre. This was the summer before I went totally broke and sold my car. Umm...dya think I'm a movie addict?
I did the thing--and all the guys who sent me their profiles said they were Christians but their definition of following Christ was very different from mine. Luckily, I got out before the 7 day trial period and got my money back.

I was just in Chicago, and on the way back, I sat next to a woman. She was exquisitley dressed--a banker, whose husband died a few years back--her step son is now 9. She asked me if Pittsburgh was good for singles. I told her it got the Forbes magazine "worst city for singles." But I'm sorry, is any city really "great" for singles? I mean, being single is either great or it stinks, and while the "availability" of other singles can be a factor, the electronic factor has changed that...

I am rambling...and trying to ease my broken heart. I'm interested in someone who is has made it perfectly unclear (clear as mud) his intentions and now is acting like a total jerk to other people I know. And yet, in the month of May (the merry month of May) there were shining moments. Now it's just nothing. And yet I'm not able to let go...I walk the same morning walk route that I walked then--although today I deviated a little...I went back to the same place I walked when I got my first eharmony profile, and guess what, there was a crop of mint! I picked some. (Well, one piece...) I think my mom planted some in my back yard, a place I almost never visit (I live in a third floor walk up.) So am I still interested? I don't want to be, except that no one else has cropped up on the landscape...but is that really the point? Does there have to be someone new on the landscape? Bono sings in his song about true love and romance... "I could never take a chanceOf losing love to find romanceIn the mysterious distanceBetween a man and a womanNo I could never take a chance'Cause I could never understandThe mysterious distanceBetween a man and a woman"(A man and a woman, from How to dismantle an atomic bomb.)

Okay, going nowhere with that thread...blogs are becoming big!! Here's another link. I heard somewhere that Christians are the largest population of bloggers. I have not been able to confirm this.

But I haven't decided if what I want this blog to be sneakers aren't very...religious...

I want a day to make my life sorted out, and yet, I have lollygagged this morning away...I need to take a shower before I off to work.

I wanted to mention that my friend John just started a blog, here's the link. He's the associate pastor at the Open Door and an all around cool guy.

So...time to do something...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This article is a little old. I used to live in Austin.