(Thursday, November 1st)
Tis the season...for paper cuts.
If you work with books, the air is drier these days and even a book cover can cut and start that bleedin'.
I didn't go for a walk this morning. Or mass. I could have, I should have... (coulda, shoulda, woulda). It's a beautiful fall day and I still hate this keyboard even with short nails.
The day won't be a total waste, I'm going downtown to the Library of Congress for lunch with my friend D. We go to a cute diner there. We are both huge diner fans.
Will I ever get used to this keyboard?
I don't want to write about the shooting in Pittsburgh, and how numb I feel.
I don't want to write about why I stay in bed most (ALL) mornings until the very last minute.
(Wednesday, November 7th)
So, the midterms happened. 100+ women got elected, it was a high turnout election, and all the races were tight. Democracy at work!!!
I was up late last night watching TV because I could--I work today at 2. But wouldn't you know it, I woke up at 7!! I'm sitting here in my jammies, writing this. I think I'm a little hypo-manic. Lack of sleep will do that to you. I should definitely go for a walk. Which I think I will, soon. But first, just some writing.
In the back of my mind, I still want to get a PhD in Children's Lit. Or do an MFA in writing. I don't see either of them really happening, but stranger things have...it's not that I don't believe in myself, it's that what are the job opps after I do something like that? I still think about Mary Kay every time I see a Cadillac of any color.
After today, I will have news. I don't know if it is good news yet. I'll keep you posted.
Lunch with D was good, but not as laughter induced as usual. Monday, we meet with 2 other librarians for our "federal holidays pizza." (They work federal jobs so have the day off, I requested the day off.)
I don't know what else to write about, except that I have a few people rooting for me as a writer and so I guess I'll hit publish one more time. Stay tuned. If I have news, you'll hear about it, though maybe not here first.
2 years ago
1 comment:
I never thought about the paper cut hazards of librarian life!
I was so excited by the women elected in the elections...
Curious to hear your news.
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