Saturday, March 16, 2013

Good night Irene, Good night, Good night Irene, Good night...

It's past my computer's bedtime.

I've been sitting here, for the past half hour, reading old posts on my blog, posts from 3 years ago, in March 2010, when I was doing the Artist's Way with some folks from the Open Door.

Times have changed since then. Boy have they changed. More on that later. (And yet, they haven't changed, and I have but haven't changed...)

But this is what brought me to the March entries, a quote I've cherished since college: "Madness is never just madness. It is a way of coping when sanity will no longer do." (Renita Weems, in Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology.)

Take a trip back to 2010. You are all there: Helen, and Holly, and Katy, and Badger, Lemony Sarah, and even Anonymous.

Tonight I watched Housekeeping, which is an odd little movie, one you would never ever call cute. (I HATE it when people say a movie is cute. A kitten is cute, a baby is cute. A movie, is never, in my book, cute.) It's based on a novel by Marilynne Robinson, who is a hero of a writer to our family. My cousin knows her personally, and many of us have at least shaken her hand. We've all read Gilead, which is better as an audio for the first read at least, and a lot of us have read her other books. I don't know if anyone has read Housekeeping, although I bet my cousin has. It was her first published novel.

The movie reminds me of an Australian movie from the same time period (1980s) that is a really famous Australian movie about a girl whose biological mother happens upon her. I'll have to troll around to see if I can find out what it's called. High Tide. You have to be in the right frame of mind for these movies, because they are life affirming, but have sadness. Best seen either in a theater (if you dare, and I don't, these days) or found by flipping channels on a Sunday afternoon. I had enough "umph" in me tonight to watch Housekeeping on DVD. I think I might watch it again before I return it, now that I know how it ends. (I won't tell.)

Oh my goodness, these two movies were made in the same year!! (1987.) They really are like twins, or mirror's too late to go into WHY right now, but I guess an orphaned girl finding an adult woman that is a little strange, but who loves her...and in one movie it's the girl's aunt, and in the other, it's the girl's biological mother.